Make your own 3D Printer Camera Set UP

Time to talk about setting up a camera for your 3D printer. “Why would anyone want to monitor their printing?” you may ask. For one thing, monitoring your printing can save you headaches and hassle. I have a 3D printer camera that is inexpensive. Not only is it basic and cheap, but it is also easy to set up.

I use the Wyze camera. We have many of these cameras around the house. The Wyze camera shown below has night vision. If I shut the lights off, it can still monitor the printing. The Wyze camera has an app making it easy to monitor your printing from your phone. Plug your printers into a Smart Home Outlet. Now you can turn your printer off directly from your phone if there is an issue. I have this metal shelving unit that holds 3 of my printers. On the top of my shelving I have a Wyze camera pointing down at my printers. I can check on my prints anytime to make sure that they are printing properly. I do have a Rasberry PI 3D camera set up. While that is nice to have, this setup is easier to implement.

Buy a camera here Wyze camera
Click here to buy the Smart Home Outlets
Here for the metal shelving

I hope you find this post helpful in your printing adventures. Be sure to check out these cool things to print! 3d Printer Projects you Need to Download.

Wyze Camera from Amazon

Smart Home OUtlets are great for 3D printers

These metal Shelves are great and can hold 4 printers