epoxy and plaster planter

Today’s DIY Succulent Planter tutorial is a good one. I have been trying to find the perfect mix to cast in my 3D printed molds. Jesmonite isn’t available in the states and it cost a bit to ship it here and is often out of stock. Plaster alone is very fragile. I had some left over Stone Coat Counter Epoxy, so I decided to try how that would work. It’s super easy to make this, but it’s hard to release the mold.

The Epoxy gets hot when it’s curing and it actually deformed my inner mold piece. Chemical reactions 101. I didn’t love the way it came out in this application as it really showed the print lines. I would use this technique with a silicon mold. Below are the instructions and a link to my video. I hope you find this helpful. If you would like to read about a different technique to make this mold please check out this post Everything You Need to create an easy Cheap Plaster and Polyacrylic Planter.

1- To start to make this DIY Succulent Planter. Print Alex’s Planter 3D mold using PLA. I used Hatchbox PLA and I do all my printing on one Ender 3 V2 and two Aquilas.

2- Prep the 3D Mold with a mold release. I used Mann’s 200 Quick Release.

3- Mix the Resin and Hardener for 2 minutes. 1:1 ratio. 1 Cup Resin and 1 Cup Hardener. I used Stone Coat Epoxy.

4- Add in Plaster of Paris. For this video I used approximately 1.5 cups

5- Add in Mica Powders.

6- Pour into mold for the DIY Succulent Planter

7- Add spray paint to the mix and finish pouring

8 – Check to make sure the bottom is not wet. Remove mold after about 6 hours.

9- Now you can sand if needed your DIY Succulent Planter

Check out the video to see the results I had using this technique. A few things to note is that I didn’t add any teal paint. The teal was in the mold from a previous cast. The Epoxy gets hot. The 3D print worked, but it deformed my mold a bit. I would recommend using more plaster than Epoxy to prevent this reaction.

I hope you love your DIY Succulent Planter!